Sustainability: how do I get involved? Part II Rewilding
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Sustainability: how do I get involved? Part II, Rewilding
We hope we inspired a few people to get involved with World Halfcut Day through our blog last month. You can still donate through their website if you missed it, for details just head to . For those who like to get their hands dirty, or “green” if you really think about it, we would like to introduce you to a few notable rewilding projects going on in our own backyard. It might inspire you to get involved or start your own rewilding project!
Hold up – what is rewilding?
Practically, it’s about rethinking our logical and linear assumptions of how the environment around us “should” behave. Returning natural spaces to their primal state, restoring fragile ecosystems and increasing the biodiversity of said area.
Pragmatically it’s encouraging people to take action, or, rather ironically, allowing mother nature to heal herself by staying out of her way.
Spiritually it’s an act of kaitiakitanga.
Ethically it’s about taking a stand against land use pollution and climate change.
Combating climate change isn’t just about reducing CO2 emissions, it’s about reversing biodiversity decline, preserving our natural lakes & rivers, and halting the erosion of nutrient rich ancient soils. Rewilding is one the most simple and effective ways you can do this. In the words of Sir David Attenborough “We need to learn how to work with nature, rather than against it”.
Rewilding projects in New Zealand
This should by no means be considered a comprehensive list of the rewilding projects within New Zealand. We have simply made a wee selection for your perusing pleasure.
North-West Wildlink - Auckland Region
The NorthWest Wild Link is an ambitious project which seeks to extend a wildlife corridor from the Waitākere Ranges to the Hauraki Gulf. The goal is to provide a safe green corridor for native wildlife to breed & travel freely across the Auckland peninsula. Spearheaded by Forest & Bird, this is truly a grassroots initiative manifest supported by governmental agencies. There are a number of North-West Wildlink activities you can take part in, such as pest control, planting, or weeding. If you would like to be involved in a North-West Wildlink project, you can contact your nearest Forest & Bird branch or visit .
Hinewai Reserve - Banks Peninsula
For some good ol’ hard yakka kiwi inspiration, the documentary ‘Fools and Dreamers’ is a must. It tells the story of biologist Dr Hugh Wilson who has been reforesting the Hinewai Reserve, located in the south-eastern corner of the Banks Peninsula, since 1987. Privately owned and managed by the Maurice White Native Forest Trust, it occupies 1250 hectares and aims to rewild the peninsula through a strategy of minimal interference. Run by a team of dedicated volunteers they are always looking for fresh faces. Head to for more info.
Pūniu River Care - Te Awamutu/Waikato Region
Formed in 2015 Pūniu River Care is an established river care group, whose kaupapa, is to revive the Pūniu River, the largest tributary of the Waipa River. Guided by traditional Maori practices and values, the project seeks to facilitate both ecological and community restoration. Through an array of Marae-based and community-led initiatives they have already planted 1478259 local tree species such as mānuka, kōwhai and tōtara, as well as 73 kilometres of waterway fencing. Run with sound business acumen, this enterprising group seeks to unify the health of their awa with the health of their communities.
The depth and breath of their many projects is truly impressive. A brief mention here cannot do this initiative the justice it deserves, we strongly encourage you to visit their website to learn more. Or head directly to to get your hands wet!
Sustainable Coastlines
One of the most comprehensive national initiatives, Sustainable Coastlines runs a variety of programmes and events around the country. Espousing a simple yet highly effective vision to restore our moana through connecting people with nature to inspire change, they focus on “large clean-up events, educational programmes, public awareness campaigns, catchment-based freshwater restoration and citizen science environmental monitoring activities”. Click here to find an event near you.
LETE Connect & Protect Foundation
If you didn’t read last months blog, it may be news to you that for every item we sell, $2.50 goes towards buying back & re-planting rainforest in the Daintree Forest through our partners Halfcut Org. We are wholly committed to being a true sustainable sports brand and believe that our wider LETE community share this commitment. We thought it would be fitting to end with another poignant quote from our hero Sir David Attenborough “We must rewild the world!”.
Sources & Further Reading
- Tags: Donate,, New Zealand, puniu river, Rainforest, rewilding, Sustainability, Sustainable Coastlines, Wildlink
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